If You’re Struggling To Finish Submissions From Side Control, Then Let Me Teach You How To Take Techniques Learned On Day 1 Of Jiu-Jitsu And Make Them Brutally Effective. . .
Even At A Black Belt Level like me.

Ready To Beef Up Your Submissions From Side Control?
Click the button below to get the Arms Race series!
Click Here To Get The Arms Race
My name is Nick, but you probably know me as Chewy from my Chewjitsu Youtube channel. And before I tell you about how to improve your side control submission let me be brutally honest with you for a second.
A lot of my game came about as a lot of pain and frustration.
Like my guard game since I was a wrestler coming into BJJ and hated being on my back.
But for whatever reason, when it came to arm locks and submissions from side control it was nothing like that.
From the very beginnings of my time as a beardless 18 year old White Belt I loved em and I was good with them too. And over the course of 18+ years I’ve only grown to love them more and discovered a lot of adjustments and details to make them effective even at an advanced Black Belt level.
And it kinda all started with 1 DVD back in 2003.
Totally not kidding. .
I originally started BJJ in May of 2003. I had to quit for 6 months since my friends' work schedule changed and I didn't have a car. And since the gym was an hour away there wasn’t much training going on for me.
While I was waiting to get a car I ended up buying a set of mats for the basement and a bunch of dvd instructionals. For all you younins out there, Youtube didn’t exist yet.
Once they arrived I put the puzzle mats down and practiced with one of my wrestling buddies named Chris.
He and I would pop in a DVD, watch a technique and drill it over and over again for several days. Then move onto a new set of techniques.
Now it’s funny, there were 12 discs in the set but I used 1 of them way more than the rest. That disc was on side control.
As a wrestler I felt natural inside since it was a pinning position. And the disc had a simple Kimura sequence that I instantly fell in love with.
We did this multiple times a week until we got back to training around November of 2003.
Now have you ever asked yourself or wondered,
“Do instructional videos really work?”
Well here’s the best part of this story.
When I got back to training I surprised the hell out of my coach by using techniques he’d never shown me. They were techniques from the instructional videos.
In fact, on one of my first days back I used a kimura to armbar sequence I had learned from the DVD series. As soon as I got the tap he asked,
“You’ve been watching DVDs haven’t you?”
I had trouble holding back my shit-eating grin and said yes.
I went on to compete as a White Belt and won a bunch of matches with kimuras and armbars from side control. And I’ve continued to do the same thing to this day as a Black Belt.
Now after using these techniques for the past, almost, 20 years. I've learned a few things about how to take these moves I learned as a young White Belt and make them applicable even at a higher level of BJJ.
And there are 4 major things that I believe, take a simple, basic, fundamental technique that you learn on Day 1 of BJJ training and make it work at an advanced level.
4 keys that can transform basic side control techniques into Black Belt level submissions are. . .
Intentional Grip Placement
Your grips should be the first thing you think about when setting up a submission. Sadly, for most people it’s almost an afterthought.
By adjusting our grips in specific ways we can either trick our opponent with a different style of grip (so they don’t feel it coming.)
Or by holding the wrist or elbow in just the right spot that it limits their movement and range of motion.
Why is this important?
Less range of motion and it’s easy to secure the submission.
As you'll see in the Arms Race series. Once I show you how to bring the grips to front of mind and catch the elbow just right. It makes finishing the arm locks easier and more efficient.
Purposeful Weight Placement
It wouldn’t be side control without a little smashing would it? Position before submission right?
But many times people get so focused on the submission that they hold poor position.
If someone is in the bottom of your side control they should be in a pressure cooker so-to-speak. The way you accomplish this is with very specific weight placement.
Inside the series I'll teach you how to use every ounce of your body weight to create massive top pressure, without having to muscle it.

Cyclical Submission Sequences
In order to make your submissions effective you want them to link together.
Most people who struggle with submissions in side control lack the ability to attack both arms and the neck in a connected fashion. They are thinking only 1 submission at a time.
By connecting your submissions together like I show in the course you’ll be able to constantly adjust from 1 attack to the next.
Effective Maintenance Of Side Control
Have you ever been in side control only to have someone escape and regain guard?
If so then you need to learn some of the basic details on how to properly hold side control and the specific spots that are most important. It's very simple and only requires to pay attention to a few points on the opponent's body.
If you know these, it’s easy to crush someone’s attempt to regain guard, and in the Arms Race I'll show you how to do it.
Along with these 4 keys the series will also give you. . .
A step-by-step game plan for submissions from side control that's worked for me and my students from White Belt to Black Belt.
The pure magic of the shotgun armbar and the grips that makes it work so well.
A powerful way to increase your success with armlock submission by not attacking the arms at all. (Sounds weird, but it works.)
How to become an effective dirty wrist locker without even trying by holding their wrist in a very intentional way.
My vicious arm lock position that will virtually eliminate your opponent’s ability to move and leave them vulnerable to submission. (Watch the narrated match breakdowns inside the series to see it used over and over again.)
The stupid-easy way take someone’s back if they defend the armbar. (This is great if you go against someone who’s a lot stronger than you or if you can't break their grips.)
What many people do that causes them to lose side control and allows their opponent to regain guard.
Small details that take “old school” techniques and make them effective even at advanced levels of BJJ.
A lot of times people think that they need new, never-before-seen, techniques to be effective. But in reality, most of the time the devil is in the details.
Small adjustments of hand and body placement can radically change a move from being a dud to dynamite. And inside the course I’ll show you my best adjustments to make this happen for you.
A clever way to use the kimura as a decoy to create multiple submission options.
How to place your weight in side control so that you literally “suck the life” out of your opponent, without using muscle, and while letting your body do all the work.
An arm wrenching demonstration of me using the techniques in narrated competition matches.
Exactly where to place your bodyweight in side control to use every ounce of your body to create maximum pressure on your opponent. (This limits the breathing and movement of your opponent causing them to make mistakes that make the submission that much easier.)
Key strategies for finding submissions from unexpected places. (Like my armbar setup from back mount that finishes in side control.)
A powerful armbar to an ultra-tight north south choke. (I actually used this one in a Pro MMA fight)
A sneaky armbar setup your opponent won’t see, or more important "feel", coming. . . until it’s too late.
My best submission sequence as a White Belt. (This one won me lots of matches and rolls back in the day.)
The subtle arm movement that will let you know if a person is susceptible to wrist locks.
How to hold someone’s wrist in order to have a vice grip on their arm without burning out your forearms.
Easy-to-implement details to submissions you probably already know that will take them to a new level.
The #1 worst thing to do when setting up a kimura. (Even if you do everything else “right” your opponent will have plenty of room to escape if you make this common mistake about where you catch their elbow.)
How to literally “force” your opponent into giving you a submission by giving them no other option.
Let’s take a second to unpack this one.
When you’re in side control and you have submission options for both arms and neck that all connect together. It will be nearly impossible for someone to be able to defend everything.
The key is make sure that they all connect to each other, this way when one fails, the next one is ready to go.
And just like the creator of that DVD series back in the early 2000s impacted my game in a big way. I’m trying to do the same thing with you today.
Which is why I’m releasing the Arms Race series here today. The series is a collection of my most effective techniques and sequences for submission in side control.
It’s a primarily arm lock based series but there are few chokes sprinkled in there (for reasons you’ll discover in the members area.)
So, with all that said, if you're ready to join aboard and let me teach you my blueprint for submissions from side control then click the link below.
Ready To Beef Up Your Submissions From Side Control?
Click the button below to get the Arms Race!
Click Here To Get The Arms RaceThe shortened TL;DR version . . .
If you're on this page now that means you're an email subscriber, youtube follower or someone who checks out my instagram. Meaning you're someone who follows me more closely than others.
Today I'm offering you a chance to learn my best side control submissions along with all the little details that make them work. They're simple submissions that you probably know or have seen. But the details I teach to make them work transform them from basic moves to advanced weapons effective at high levels of Jiu-jitsu training and competition.
And currently I'm giving you a chance to learn exactly how I do it.
Hope to see you inside the members area!